Nursing care, Education and Healthcare are one of the wide-reaching appreciable subjects in the medical field.The main objective of the nursing conference is to bring together people who have a keenness for various fields of nursing like psychiatry and mental health, advance nursing practice, education, cancer, cardiac, critical care, women’s health, pediatric and emergency nursing, advances in nursing science and many more.
Nursing Convention conference includes talks such as Plenary lectures and Keynote Speakers, Workshops, Symposium by an eminent personalities from around the world in addition to contributed papers, both oral and poster presentations by Invited Speakers. From side to side networking and involvement, Nursing Convention-2022 will deliver a prospect for researchers, nursing research article, nurse practitioners, and educators to give-and-take research evidence, practical experiences and innovative ideas on issues related to Nursing.
The organizing committee is gearing up for an electrifying and enlightening conference program which will includes speakers, symposium and various programs for participants from all over the world. We invite you to join us from anywhere in the world during April 25-26, 2022 where you will be sure to have an eloquent experience with scholars from around the world. All members of Nursing Convention Organizing Committee look forward to meet you Virtually. Come let us join hands in the Nursing Convention Conference 2022 organized by the Intellect Conferences on April 25-26, 2022.
We invite the participants across the globe to attend its annual flagship conference, the
3rd Global Virtual Conference on Nursing Education.Nursing Convention Conference 2022 is designed according to International conference policies where all the attendees will be able to acquire things at the finest.